
I got a final bill in from my energy supplier, and upon enquiry it seems that another company has taken over the supply of my electricity and gas. I never requested this and don’t know what to do. I have had difficulty contacting both suppliers and am not sure where I stand. Can you help?

This problem usually occurs when another customer with a similar address, meter or location details arranges a switch of supply or moves into a new property and requests connection to a new supplier.  This is referred to as an ‘erroneous transfer’ and can usually be resolved by contacting your original supplier directly and advising that you neither requested nor authorised a switch over to a new provider.

What can I do?

You should advise either supplier to cancel this if the transfer is still in progress or reverse it if the transfer has already taken place. You should ensure that detailed notes are kept of correspondence, with specific details of the calls made for your records.

Next Steps

After contacting the supplier, they should contact you within 5 working days to advise of the course of action that they will be taking in respect of the incorrect transfer and then within 20 working days to confirm reversal of the switch.  These timescales are set out by the ‘Erroneous Transfer Customer Charter’, which details the specific course of action suppliers should take in these situations.

If there is no response from the supplier, or this goes over the timescales that are in place, then you should make a formal complaint in writing.

Further Support

Advice Direct Scotland run, Scotland’s national energy advice service.

The team can answer energy-related enquiries and liaise with energy suppliers on your behalf in situations just like this.

They can also offer advice on making a complaint to your energy supplier.

You can call them on 0808 196 8660, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, or chat to them online at